General conditions of service

These General Conditions of Contract, hereinafter also: “GTC”, or the conditions that regulate the reciprocal rights and obligations of the relationship between the hotel company and the guest and/or the contractor established with the hotel contract.
The guest and/or the contractor are required to carefully read these GTC and must pay particular attention to the individual provisions.

Art. 1 (Terms)

1.1 “hotelier” or “hotel company” is a natural and/or legal person, a company or an entity that provides accommodation to guests for a fee.
1.2 “contractor” is a natural and/or legal person, a company or an entity, which stipulates a hotel contract as a guest and/or as a representative, agent, intermediary or in any form on behalf of the guest. 1.3 “guest” is a natural person who uses the accommodation. If the guest is not also the contracting party (e.g. travel companion, etc.), these GTC apply by analogy. 1.4 “hotel contract” is the contract stipulated between the hotelier and the contractor and/or the guest, the content of which is defined by these GTC.

Art. 2 (Reservation estimate)

2.1. Upon placing the order/booking, the contractor declares, in the event of implementation of the hotel contract, to accept these GTC for himself and also for any additional guests and also declares to be authorized to accept these GTC by the guests for with whom the hotel contract is stipulated. 2.2. The offer drawn up by the hotel company is valid until the date granted as an option. Where the option is not expressly indicated, the validity of the offer is equal to 1 (one) day. However, the validity only applies to the rate and not to availability which may have ceased in the meantime.
2.3. The hotelier undertakes to confirm the booking in writing by sending the contracting party a booking confirmation (with indication of the period of stay, the services booked and the total price) by e-mail or by post to address indicated by the contractor.
2.4 The contractor is required to carefully check the booking confirmation and to immediately contact the hotelier in the event of any presumed incorrectness or incompleteness of the same.

Art. 3 (Booking confirmation)

3.1 The hotel contract is concluded with the acceptance of the contracting party’s booking by the hotelier, i.e. with the transmission of the booking confirmation referred to in point 2.3. 3.2 The hotelier reserves the right to stipulate the hotel contract on the condition that the contractor pays a deposit pursuant to art. 1385 c.c. In this case the hotelier is required to inform the contracting party of the deposit required before accepting the written or oral booking by the contracting party. If the contracting party declares – in writing or verbally – his agreement on the deposit, the hotel contract is concluded upon receipt by the hotelier of the contracting party’s consent regarding the payment of the deposit. 3.3 The deposit is equal to the price of the first night and, in the case of a stay of several nights, must be considered as partial payment of the agreed price.
3.4 If the deposit has not been paid within the indicated deadline, the hotel company reserves the right to unilaterally and unscathed withdraw from the hotel contract.
3.5 The payment of the deposit indicates the unreserved acceptance by the customer of these contract clauses.

Art. 4 (Price of stay)

4.1 All prices are per room, per night, with bed and breakfast unless otherwise agreed. 4.2 The balance can be paid conveniently upon arrival.
4.3 Prices for any additional services (sports activities, excursions, transfers, etc.) will be indicated by the hotelier in a separate price list.
4.4 In some periods of the year a minimum stay of nights may be imposed.
4.5 Tourist tax: the tourist tax is excluded and must be paid upon arrival.

Art. 5 (Children’s Policy)

5.1 Children up to 5 years old can sleep for free in their parents’ bed. 5.2 A maximum of 1 free child per room is allowed.
5.3 Cot available on request at €20 per night.

Art. 6 (Check-in & check-out)

6.1 the check-in time is between 2.00 pm and 9.00 pm. After this time it is possible to self check-in. 6.2 the check-out time is by 10am on the day of departure. Upon request and availability, it is possible to have a later check-out with a rate equal to 60% of the last night of the stay.

Art. 7 (Changes to reservations made; extension of stay; early departure)

7.1 In the event that the contracting party intends to modify the booking already confirmed, the relevant request must be sent to the hotelier in writing, including by e-mail.
7.2 The hotelier reserves the right to accept or refuse the change to the booking based on his availability. In any case, the modification of the reservation will be considered as a withdrawal from the original hotel contract.
7.3 The contractor cannot expect his stay to be extended. In the event that the contracting party communicates his desire to extend his stay in good time, the hotelier may agree to the extension of the hotel contract. The hotelier has no obligation in this regard.
7.4 If the policyholder is unable to leave the hotel on the established departure date, because due to extraordinary and unforeseeable circumstances of force majeure (e.g. earthquakes, floods, etc.) all possibilities of travel, in which case the hotel contract must be considered automatically extended for the entire duration of the impediment. A reduction in the fee foreseen for this period is only possible if the policyholder cannot fully use the services/performance offered by the hotel due to extraordinary weather conditions. The hotelier is authorized to request the fee corresponding to the agreed and applied rate of the last night of the stay.
7.5 If the guest were to leave early, they will still be required to pay the entire cost of the duration of the contract respectively the total budgeted amount, as provided for in the cancellation policy. This without any deduction for any services not used.

Art. 8 (Cancellation Policy)

8.1 For direct bookings, the customer is allowed free cancellation up to two days before check-in. For example, a reservation for April 28th can be canceled by written notice by 2pm on April 26th. The deposit paid will be returned in full via bank transfer.
8.2 For late cancellation or no-show, the entire sum will be retained as a cancellation penalty.
8.3 For bookings made through intermediaries, the conditions dictated by the tour operator apply.

Art 9 (Cancellations due to epidemics such as COVID-19)

9.1 We will not charge any penalty for any cancellations that become necessary – even in the short term – due to official restrictions (travel bans, quarantine measures and similar) due to the COVID-19 virus. However, this only applies if the cancellation occurs shortly after the publication of the restrictions. A confirmed Covid19 infection, on the other hand, is seen like any other illness (example: flu) and therefore can cause cancellation costs. 9.2 In the event of failure by travelers to comply with the obligations in force at the time of the trip (example: Green Pass obligation) the cancellation does not fall within the cases of free cancellation.

Art. 10 (Rights and obligations of the contractor and the guest)

10.1. With the signing of the hotel contract, the contractor/guest acquires the right to the usual use of the premises covered by the contract, of the common facilities of the host hotel, made available to guests without specific conditions, and of the regular service. The guest undertakes to observe and respect the relevant internal regulations in force. 10.2. The contracting party is required, at the time of departure at the latest, to pay the agreed fee as well as any additional amounts connected to further services/services not included which he and/or the guests accompanying him have used.
10.3. The hotelier gives the customer the possibility of paying with local currency, credit card, debit card, debit card, instant bank transfer. Any expenses related to the respective payment method will be borne by the contractor.

Art. 11 (Rights and obligations of the hotelier)

11.1 The hotelier is required to provide the agreed benefits and services to an extent corresponding to his own standard. 11.2 The hotelier has the right to make suitable replacement accommodation (of equal quality) available to the contracting party or the guest, if this is acceptable to the contracting party, and in particular when the difference is minimal and justified.
11.3 The justification is to be considered acceptable pursuant to point 9.2., by way of example and without limitation, when the premises covered by the contract have become unusable, when other guests occupying the premises in question extend their stay, in cases of overbooking or other relevant needs of the hotel that require this decision.
11.4 In the event that replacement accommodation is made available pursuant to points 9.2 above. and 9.3., any additional costs connected to the replacement accommodation will be borne by the hotelier. 11.5 The hotelier has the right to present the partial bill at any time.

Art. 12 (Things brought to the hotel and things delivered)

12.1 Pursuant to art. 1783 c.c. the hotelier is responsible for any deterioration, destruction or theft of things brought by the guest to the hotel.
The following are considered things brought to the hotel:
– the things found there during the time the guest has access to the accommodation;
– the things of which the hotelier assumes custody, outside the hotel, during the period of time in which the guest has access to the accommodation;
– the things of which the hotelier assumes custody both in the hotel and outside the hotel, during a reasonable period of time, before or after the time in which the guest has access to the accommodation.
12.2 The hotelier is liable if the deterioration, destruction or theft of things brought by the guest to the hotel is attributable to his fault.
12.3 The hotelier’s liability is unlimited:
– when the things were handed over to him for safekeeping and he accepted them;
-when he refused to take custody of things that he had the obligation to accept.
12.4 The hotelier has the obligation to accept valuables, cash and valuables; he can refuse to receive them only if they are dangerous objects or which, taking into account the importance and management conditions of the hotel, are excessively valuable or cumbersome in nature. The hotelier may require that the item delivered to him be contained in a closed or sealed package.
12.5 The hotelier is not responsible when the deterioration, destruction or theft is due to:
-to the customer, to the people who accompany him, who are at his service or who visit him;
– force majeure;
– to the nature of the thing.
12.6 The deterioration, destruction or theft of something brought to the hotel must be immediately reported to the hotelier.

Art. 13 (Complaints)

13.1 The hotelier and his team do their utmost to maintain a high quality standard and offer maximum satisfaction to the Customer. Where there is no “natural” disservice (for example mosquitoes, high water, etc) the Customer who feels dissatisfied with the Hotel’s services must communicate it on the spot, directly to the reception at order to remedy. The complaint will be treated with the utmost care. A complaint submitted late does not allow the hotelier to remedy it and the Customer would have an unsatisfactory holiday.

Art. 14 (Pets)

14.1 It is permitted to bring pets to the hotel facility only with the prior authorization of the hotelier and for a one-off payment of €20.
14.2 The guest who brings a pet with him is required to duly look after the brought pet during his stay.
14.3 The guest is responsible for the health of the pet and guarantees that it has the necessary veterinary checks.
14.4 The guest is liable to the hotelier for the damage caused by the pet. In particular, damages must also be understood as any compensation that the hotelier must pay to third parties.

Art. 15 (Force Majeure)

15.1 With the exception of the cases expressly contemplated by these GTC, the hotelier is not responsible for any damage suffered by the guest in the event that the complete or partial use of the hotel services is limited due to the occurrence of causes of “force majeure”. ”.
15.2 “Force majeure” means any event that cannot be foreseen or avoided – using the normal diligence of a good family man – by the hotelier. By way of example only: events of war or similar, riots, civil wars, terrorist attacks, natural disasters, nuclear accidents, fires, adverse weather conditions, interruptions of communication routes, interruptions in the supply of electricity, gas and water services attributable to the hotelier, strikes or any other event, however, beyond the hotelier’s control.

Art. 16 (Applicable law; Jurisdiction)

16.1 This contract is subject exclusively to Italian law.
16.2 The parties agree that for any dispute relating to the interpretation or execution of the contract the Court of Venice will have exclusive jurisdiction.

Art. 17 (Final provisions)

17.1 If individual clauses and/or provisions of this contract are invalid and/or void or are declared null and/or invalid and/or in any case not applicable, this does not detract from the full validity and effectiveness of all the other clauses and/or provisions of the present GTC which will remain valid in any case.
17.2 In case of original or arising gaps in this contractual regulation, the relevant legal provisions will apply.


Art. 1 ( Check-in & Check-out)

1.1 Group rates apply to a single booking with the same check-in and same check-out

Art. 2 (Tarites and minimum number of participants)

2.1 Rates are indicated per person on a double basis and supplements apply for both a single room and any additional beds.
2.2 Group rates apply to a pre-established group with at least 20 participants.
2.3 To take advantage of group rates, a minimum stay of 2 nights is required for the low season and 3 nights for the high season.

Art. 3 ( Rooming list)

3.1 The customer undertakes to send the final guest list with the room arrangements, no less than 7 days from check-in.
3.2 The hotelier grants the name change free of charge until the day of check-in.

Art. 4 (Cancellation Policy)

4.1 Free cancellation for a group stay is set at 60 days before the check-in date. 4.2 For late cancellation or no-show, the entire sum will be retained as a cancellation fee.

Art. 5 (Srestaurant service)

5.1 Meals are served to all participants in the group at the same time and at the tables reserved for them

Updated: November 29, 2023